Massage Hands has a clinic for arranged appointments or alternatively you can arrange a home visit. Before either a clinic session or home visit, I would first assess your problem on the phone or via email to ensure it can be treated appropriately with massage.
All appointments must be booked in advance and if you have to cancel a visit, please give 24hrs notice.
The clinic is based in Simister near Prestwich, just off the M60/M62/M66 junction.
2 John street
GTR Manchester
M25 2SP
Directions on Google Maps
Download an image (JPG) with contact and direction instructions
Clinic visit: £60 per treatment
Home visit: £75 per treatment
(Payment via cash or mobile banking)
Gift Voucher
Many of the patients of Massage Hands, having seen the benefit of remedial sports massage for themselves, have enquired about the possibilty of buying a session as a gift for a friend, family member or partner.
So, you can now buy a Voucher for a 1½hr full body massage by clicking on the banner below.
To claim, get in touch quoting the name used on the purchasing credit card.
Cost: £85 (click here or on the banner below to buy – includes £5 discount)
Terms & Conditions
- Vouchers are transferrable with proof of purchase.
- Vouchers must be redeemed within a year of original purchase date
- Refunds will be considered on a discretionary basis up to 2 weeks from date of purchase and will include a deduction for the payment handling fee by the card merchant. Refund will be via bank transfer or Paypal refund.